Ethics and Integrity
Reinforcing Ethical Practices
Compliance Checks and Training Practices
Internally, we conduct education and training on a variety of important compliance topics, including conflicts of interest, corruption, and bribery. Because we interact with entities globally, we apply an additional layer of review and vetting to mitigate international risk. For example, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it unlawful for a U.S. person or company to offer, pay, or promise to pay anything of value to any foreign official for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. Compliance at Superior Energy includes reinforcing strict business ethics and practices in our dealings with all our partners, suppliers, and third parties.
Managing Third-Party Risk Profiles
We use a due diligence software platform to screen new suppliers. Criteria for our risk profiles include a company’s country of origin and whether or not there are sanctions in place in that country. These screening criteria help us evaluate each supplier, classifying them as a low, medium, or high-risk potential partner. We strive to do business with reputable suppliers.
Enterprise Risk Management in Process
In the course of our recent history, Superior Energy has evolved significantly. As a result, our senior management team has identified broad-based enterprise risk management framework. Superior Energy’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process is woven into the fabric of our management approach and activities. Significant risks applicable at the enterprise and business unit level are mitigated by actions/activities for each established and inherent risk category.
Integrity to the Core
We conduct ourselves and our business affairs with honesty and integrity, and do not tolerate illegal or fraudulent activities.
Business Ethics and Integrity
Our Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy is a comprehensive overview of the policies and procedures related to these important matters. Disclosed on our website, this policy includes definitions, examples, the connection to our Shared Core Values, and more.
Whistleblower Protection
Superior Energy’s hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and operated by trained third-party specialists who will answer questions, document concerns, and then forward a written report to the Ethics and Compliance Department which takes further action, as appropriate.
Governance Policies
Data Privacy and Protection
At Superior Energy, we maintain a comprehensive Data Protection Policy that applies to information collected, used, and managed by the company. Employees read, understand, and comply with the terms of the policy when applicable to their work processes.
Download Our Data Protection Policy
Supplier Compliance and Code of Conduct
Our suppliers and business partners are important to our success. Applying a selection process, we choose them carefully, maintaining these valuable relationships by adhering to the principles of our Shared Core Values, notably Fairness and Respect. It is equally critical that we assist our suppliers and partners in understanding our expectations so that they act in accordance with our standards and applicable policies. We monitor and address any suspicions that a supplier or business partner may not be meeting our standards or their contractual obligations. As one avenue for reporting such concerns, we provide a 24-hour confidential hotline, administered by an independent third party.
Ethical Sourcing of Materials
We support the ethical sourcing of materials used in our supply chain. To that end, Superior Energy has developed a Conflict Minerals Policy to guide our due diligence regarding the limited amounts of gold, tin, tungsten, and tantalum that are embedded in that supply chain, as their production has been tied to civil conflict and human rights abuses. Our internal due diligence is conducted annually to identify potential exposure to these materials, ensure they are from approved smelters, and remediate any deficiencies.
Building a Sustainable Future
Superior Energy’s 2023 Sustainability Report reflects our guiding principles and details our ongoing commitments, progress, and benchmarks.