About This Report

Committed to Building a Sustainable Future

Welcome to Superior Energy’s 2023 Sustainability Report (the “Report”), which is our inaugural publication and is expected to be updated annually. This Report summarizes our efforts to establish a sustainability plan that encompasses topics material to our global business, business in terms of stakeholder interest and potential business impact, identifies strategic priorities, and outlines how we intend to build a sustainable future through our commitment to Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) performance. Our sustainability reports will communicate our progress in these endeavors for the benefit of our stakeholders, including customers, investors, the public and others.

In 2022, Superior Energy partnered with a third-party sustainability consultant to conduct a materiality assessment. We identified 13 material topics of strategic significance to our company. These topics, are informing the development of a three-year sustainability strategy, the most immediate action of which is establishing a baseline footprint for our Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) emissions. The assessment methodology would serve as a solid foundation for accurate data collection and understanding of GHG emissions sources under Superior Energy’s direct operational control. Together, the materiality assessment and GHG footprint allow us to establish a baseline year for our reporting capabilities and prepare for future sustainability initiatives. Through the process, we identified the ESG reporting frameworks most appropriate for our business that will help ensure we track and report the most relevant, high-quality information.

This Report includes information on our key initiatives, policies, processes and programs, and presents results relevant to various disclosure topics identified by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”) as impactful on ESG performance in our industry. For example, the sections of this Report covering Business Ethics and Integrity, Safety Management and Performance, and Greenhouse Gas Accounting closely follow the Business Ethics and Payments Transparency, Workforce Health and Safety, and Emissions Reduction Services and Fuels Management aspects of SASB sustainability disclosure topics and metrics. Included content is also informed by the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) and United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) which address the key challenges currently faced globally. Unless otherwise noted, this report covers operations from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023. **

Statements provided herein may be based on estimates, assumptions, and projections, which are subject to change. Superior Energy anticipates such changes as we implement the items highlighted in this Report and move closer to our sustainability goals. As we develop this plan, we strive to collect and report verifiable data. In some cases, however, some metrics may be subject to ongoing development and therefore have inherent uncertainties. Such uncertainties may result from limitations in the methodologies used to calculate ESG information and where actual use data is not available. 

We have engaged our internal subject matter experts, our Executives, including our Chief Executive Officer, and the Board of Directors in the review and approval this Report. However, it has not been externally assured or verified by independent third parties.

** Additional information on reporting frameworks located in Data and Reporting

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A man looking out over the railing of a boat

2023 Report Highlights 

  • Inaugural GHG Footprint (Scopes 1 and 2) completed
  • First Materiality Assessment executed
  • Total Recordable Incident Rate reduced to 0.52
  • Employee-led Catastrophic Relief Fund increased the balance in the fund by 53% for colleagues in need 

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We strive to provide information that is accurate, complete, relevant, transparent, and valuable to our stakeholders. We welcome any feedback to help us improve our efforts and our ESG reporting. Please contact us if you have questions or comments about this report.

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Building a Sustainable Future

Superior Energy’s 2023 Sustainability Report reflects our guiding principles and details our ongoing commitments, progress, and benchmarks.

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